How Well Do My Friends Know Me

How Well Do My Friends Know Me

Fun Quiz to see how well your friends know me

How Well Do My Friends Know Me 

1. What is my favorite animal?

2. Who was my childhood crush?

3. What is my favorite color?

4. What is the favorite article of clothing I own?

5. Do I like sunrise or sunset?

6. Who is my crush?

7. Am I a jealous person?

8. Am I a dog person or a cat person?

9. Who was my first kiss?

10. What is my dream car?

11. Do I like partying or staying in?

12. What is my zodiac sign?

13. What is my favorite food?

14. Who is my best friend?

15. What would my dream job be?

16. What is my dream city to live in?

17. What nickname do my parents call me?

18. What is my favorite movie?

19. Do I like chocolate or vanilla?

20. Am I a morning person or a night owl?

21. What is my favorite song?

22. When is my birthday?

23. What is my longest relationship?

24. Do I like tea or coffee?

25. Do I like summer or winter?

26. What am I most afraid of?

27. What color do I hate the most?

28. Do I like Apple products or Android products?

29. Am I good at keeping secrets?

30. Do I like strawberries or blueberries?

31. Do I like movies or shows?

32. Am I a Marvel fan or a DC fan?

33. Am I single or in a relationship?

34. Do I like anime?

35. Do I like binging or watching something slowly?

36. What would my dream vacation be?

37. Am I allergic to any animals?

38. Do I like silver or gold jewelry?

39. Am I a morning person or a night owl?

40. Who is my celebrity crush?


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